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[conky] je comprend pas pourquoi l'erreur

Publié : sam. 15 août 2020, 18:40
par le-geek-metalleux
bonjour quand j’essaie de lance mon conky sur ma tour j'ai cette erreur alors que sur mon pc portable aucun erreur
l'erreur sur ma tour

Code : Tout sélectionner

conky: desktop window (400010) is subwindow of root window (1da)
conky: drawing to desktop window
conky: can't load font '6x10'
conky: can't load font '6x10'
conky: X Error: type 0 Display 5570fab22870 XID 4194320 serial 236 error_code 8 request_code 55 minor_code 0 other Display: 5570fab22870

voici le conky

Code : Tout sélectionner

# Conky #

alignment = 'top_right'
gap_x = '30'
gap_y = '60'
minimum_size = '480'

update_interval = '2'

own_window = 'true'
own_window_= 'class conky'
own_window_transparent = 'true'
own_window_argb_visual ='true'
own_window_argb_value = '255'
own_window_type = 'desktop'
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager'
background = 'true'

use_xft = 'no'
use_xft = 'no'
xftfont = 'DejaVu Sans Mono:size=10'

cpu_avg_samples = '2'
net_avg_samples = '2'
default_color = 'grey'
draw_borders = 'no'
draw_outline = 'no'
draw_shades = 'no'
double_buffer = 'yes'
no_buffers = 'yes'
out_to_console = 'no'
out_to_stderr = 'no'
extra_newline = 'no'
stippled_borders = '0'
uppercase = 'no'
use_spacer = 'none'
show_graph_scale = 'no'
show_graph_range = 'no'

conky.text = [[
$sysname-$kernel ${color grey}$alignc démarré depuis: $uptime

${goto 55}${color grey}Frequence CPU : ${freq_g 1}GHz   ${freq_g 2}GHz   ${freq_g 3}GHz 
${goto 80}${color grey}Charge CPU: $cpu% ${cpubar 5,124}${color grey}  Temp: ${execi 30 sensors | grep "Core 0" | cut -d "+" -f2 | cut -c1-6}C
${goto 104}${color grey}Charge RAM: $memperc% ${membar 5,100}$alignr$mem / $memmax
${goto 120}${color grey}Processus: $processes  ${color grey}$alignr En cours:$running_processes
${goto 135}$hr
${goto 148}Noms $alignr PID   CPU%   MEM%
${goto 161}${color lightgrey}${top name 1}$alignr${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${goto 171}${color lightgrey}${top name 2}$alignr${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${goto 181}${color lightgrey}${top name 3}$alignr${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${goto 191}${color lightgrey}${top name 4}$alignr${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
${goto 198}${color lightgrey}${top name 5}$alignr${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
${goto 205}$hr
${goto 210}${color grey}Espace Utilisé: 
${goto 215}${color grey}Racine : ${fs_used_perc /}% de ${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 5 /}
${goto 220}${color grey}Data   : ${fs_used_perc /home}% de ${fs_size /home} ${fs_bar 5 /home}
${goto 224}$hr
${goto 227}${color grey}Réseau: 
${goto 228}Wifi: ${addr wlp0s29f7u2} 
${goto 228}${color grey}Down: ${downspeed wlp0s29f7u2} ${color grey} - Up: ${upspeed wlp0s29f7u2}
${goto 229}Ethernet: ${addr enp0s25}
${goto 229}${color grey}Down: ${downspeed enp0s25} ${color grey} - Up: ${upspeed enp0s25}
${goto 230}$hr
${goto 232}Paquet Installer: ${exec pacman -Q | wc -l}
${goto 233}Mise à Jour Disponible: ${exec pacman -Qu | wc -l} ]]
merci d'avance pour la réponse