c'est a dire:
Lorsque le script conky est lancé, il n'y a que les donnée inscrite dans le conkyrc qui sont visible mais pas le script Lua
que ce soit pour l'horloge ou le bergraphe (vert et bleu)
ce que j'ai actuellement
Ce que je souhaite obtenir, c'est ce fameux barographe (vert et bleus) qui donne des indication en temps réel
Désolé l'image est flou (récupérer depuis internet)
ne pas tenir compte de la météo sur la seconde image, je procède étape par étape
Mon conkyrc
Code : Tout sélectionner
Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
Please see COPYING for details
Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
conky.config = {
alignment = 'top_left',
background = false,
border_width = 1,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
default_color = 'white',
default_outline_color = 'white',
default_shade_color = 'white',
double_buffer = true,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = true,
draw_outline = false,
draw_shades = false,
extra_newline = false,
font = 'DejaVu Sans Mono:size=12',
gap_x = 0,
gap_y = 180,
minimum_height = 00,
minimum_width = 200,
net_avg_samples = 2,
no_buffers = true,
out_to_console = false,
out_to_ncurses = false,
out_to_stderr = false,
out_to_x = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_type = 'desktop',
show_graph_range = false,
show_graph_scale = false,
stippled_borders = 0,
update_interval = 1.0,
uppercase = false,
use_spacer = 'none',
use_xft = true,
lua_load = '/home/moi/.conky/lua/bargraphe.lua',
lua_draw_hook_pre = 'main_bars',
conky.text = [[
${offset 0}${voffset 10}
${font SF Square Head:size=10}Ordinateur${font}${hr 2}
${font DejaVu:size=8}${voffset -5}Systeme${offset 40}:
${offset 105}${voffset -12}${sysname}
${offset 15}${voffset -1}Kernel${offset 50}:
${offset 107}${voffset -12}${kernel}
${offset 15}${voffset 0}Temps${offset 49}:
${offset 107}${voffset -12}${uptime}
${offset 15}${voffset -2}Cpu${offset 65}:
${offset 107}${voffset -12}${freq_g} GHz${font}
${font SF Square Head:size=10}Intel i9-10900kf${font}${hr 1}
${font DejaVu:size=7}
${offset 20}${voffset -12}Core 1 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu1} %
${offset 20}Core 2 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu2} %
${offset 20}Core 3 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu3} %
${offset 20}Core 4 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu4} %
${offset 20}Core 5 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu5} %
${offset 20}Core 6 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu6} %
${offset 20}Core 7 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu7} %
${offset 20}Core 8 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu8} %
${offset 20}Core 9 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu9} %
${offset 20}Core 10 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu10} %
${offset 20}Core 11 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu11} %
${offset 20}Core 12 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu12} %
${offset 20}Core 13 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu13} %
${offset 20}Core 14 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu14} %
${offset 20}Core 15 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu15} %
${offset 20}Core 16 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu16} %
${offset 20}Core 17 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu17} %
${offset 20}Core 18 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu18} %
${offset 20}Core 19 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu19} %
${offset 20}Core 20 :${goto 90}${cpu cpu20} %${font}
${font SF Square Head:size=10}${voffset -4}Disque Dur${font} ${hr 2}
${font DejaVu:size=7}
${offset 12}${voffset -15}Systeme${goto 120}Home
${offset 12}${voffset -2}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}${goto 120}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
${offset 12}${voffset 12}Alpha (Win10)${goto 120}Beta (Win10)
${offset 12}${voffset -2}${fs_used /run/media/moi/Alpha} / ${fs_size /run/media/moi/Alpha}${goto 120}${fs_used /run/media/moi/Beta} / ${fs_size /run/media/moi/Beta}
${offset 12}${voffset 10}Cappa${goto 120}Epsilon
${offset 12}${voffset -2}${fs_used /run/media/moi/Cappa 8to} / ${fs_size /run/media/moi/Cappa 8to}${goto 120}${fs_used /run/media/moi/Epsilon 8to} / ${fs_size /run/media/moi/Epsilon 8to}
${offset 12}${voffset 10}Gamma
${offset 12}${voffset -2}${fs_used /run/media/moi/Gamma 8to} / ${fs_size /run/media/moi/Gamma 8to}${font}
${font SF Square Head:size=10}${voffset 5}Memoire${font} ${hr 2}
${font DejaVu:size=7}${offset 5}${voffset -8}Utilisé${goto 80}:
${offset 100}${voffset -12}${mem} / ${memmax}${font}
${font SF Square Head:size=10}${voffset -4}Resaux par le cable${font} ${hr 2}
${font DejaVu:size=7}${offset -5}${voffset -5}Down${goto 60}:
${offset 60}${voffset -12}${downspeed enp4s0} /s
${offset 10}${voffset -3}Upload${goto 60}:
${offset 60}${voffset -12}${upspeed enp4s0} /s${font}
${font SF Square Head:size=10}${voffset -5}Mise a jour${font} ${hr 2}
${voffset -6}${offset 30}${font DejaVu:size=7}Mise a jour de disponible(s)
${offset 5}${voffset -12}${execpi 600 yaourt -Sya --logfile /dev/null > /dev/null; yaourt -Qu | wc -l}
${hr 2}
pourtant le pointage du fichier lua est bien présent dans conky
Code : Tout sélectionner
lua_load = '/home/moi/.conky/lua/bargraphe.lua',
lua_draw_hook_pre = 'main_bars',
sortie de conky -v
Code : Tout sélectionner
[moi@ultimate-i9 ~]$ conky -v
conky 1.21.7-pre-d458da3 compiled for Linux x86_64
Compiled in features:
System config file: /etc/conky/conky.conf
Package library path: /usr/lib/conky
* math
* hddtemp
* portmon
* IPv6
* Curl
* wireless
* support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks
* nvidia
* builtin default configuration
* old configuration syntax
* Imlib2
* OSS mixer support
* apcupsd
* iostats
* ncurses
* Internationalization support
* PulseAudio
Lua bindings:
* Cairo
* Imlib2
* Xdamage extension
* Xinerama extension (virtual display)
* Xshape extension (click through)
* XDBE (double buffer extension)
* Xft
* ARGB visual
* Own window
* Mouse events
* ARGB visual
* Mouse events
Music detection:
Default values:
* Netdevice: eno1
* Local configfile: $HOME/.conkyrc
* Localedir: /usr/share/locale
* Maximum netdevices: 256
* Maximum text size: 16384
* Size text buffer: 256
[moi@ultimate-i9 ~]$
sortie de lua -v
Code : Tout sélectionner
[moi@ultimate-i9 ~]$ lua -v
Lua 5.4.7 Copyright (C) 1994-2024 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
quand j'execute conky j'ai ce retour de code, peut etre une piste concernant lua
Code : Tout sélectionner
conky: llua_do_call: function conky_main_bars execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
conky: llua_do_call: function conky_main_bars execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
^Cconky: received SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!
[moi@ultimate-i9 ~]$ conky -c /home/moi/.conky/.conkyrc
conky: desktop window (0x1ef) is root window
conky: window type - desktop
conky: drawing to created window (0xa00001)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: llua_load: /home/moi/.conky/lua/bargraphe.lua:87: module 'cairo' not found:
no field package.preload['cairo']
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/cairo.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/cairo/init.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/5.4/cairo.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/5.4/cairo/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/cairo.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/cairo/init.lua'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.4/cairo.lua'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.4/cairo/init.lua'
no file './cairo.lua'
no file './cairo/init.lua'
no file '/usr/lib/conky/libcairo.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/cairo.so'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.4/cairo.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/loadall.so'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.4/loadall.so'
no file './cairo.so'
conky: FOUND: console
conky: FOUND: ncurses
conky: FOUND: file
conky: FOUND: x11
conky: FOUND: wayland
conky: llua_do_call: function conky_main_bars execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
conky: llua_do_call: function conky_main_bars execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
conky: llua_do_call: function conky_main_bars execution failed: attempt to call a nil value