[Nvidia] failed to load driver: nouveau

Applications, problèmes de configuration réseau
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archer de cavalerie
Messages : 180
Inscription : mar. 12 sept. 2017, 21:15

[Nvidia] failed to load driver: nouveau

Message par PowaBanga »

salut à tous,
j'ai depuis longtemps un message d'erreur en lancant steam auquel je ne prête guère attention, mais en rapportant un bug sur le git steam cela à été soulevé...

Code : Tout sélectionner

glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
J'ai donc installé le paquet nvidia pour ma carte nividia mx150, cela foncitonne bien.
Je me souviens avoir essayé d'installer nouveau, pour finalement revenir à mes pilote nvidia... mais il ne devrait plus chercher après mes pilotes nouveau du coup.

Quelqu'un a-t-il un idée de ce qui peut provoquer cette erreur ?

Code : Tout sélectionner

 powabanga  ~  cat /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau_blacklist.conf                                   
cat: /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau_blacklist.conf: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce nom
 powabanga  ~  cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf                                         1 
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modset=0
 powabanga  ~  cat /etc/modprobe.d/01_nividia_drm 
option nvidia_drm modeset=1

 powabanga  ~  cat /usr/lib/modprobe.d/nvidia-utils.conf                              
blacklist nouveau
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 17420
Inscription : sam. 30 mai 2009, 15:48
Localisation : Lyon

Re: [Nvidia] failed to load driver: nouveau

Message par benjarobin »

Bonjour, où est-ce que tu vois cette erreur ? Ce n'est très certainement pas une erreur, juste un message informatif.
Pour ta carte graphique, en effet, je te recommande d'installer les drivers propriétaires (paquets nvidia et nvidia-utils).
Zsh | KDE | PC fixe : core i7, carte nvidia
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archer de cavalerie
Messages : 180
Inscription : mar. 12 sept. 2017, 21:15

Re: [Nvidia] failed to load driver: nouveau

Message par PowaBanga »

c'est en lancant steam que j'ai ce message

Code : Tout sélectionner

 steam                                                                                                       SIGABRT 
steam.sh[2330735]: Running Steam on arch rolling 64-bit
steam.sh[2330735]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
setup.sh[2330782]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
steam.sh[2330735]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
CProcessEnvironmentManager is ready, 6 preallocated environment variables.
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Startup - updater built Dec  2 2024 21:26:10
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-srt-logger-opened'
01/08 08:03:10 minidumps folder is set to /tmp/dumps
01/08 08:03:10 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1733265492)/tid(2330845)
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] 1. https://client-update.fastly.steamstatic.com, /, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 900, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] 2. https://client-update.akamai.steamstatic.com, /, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 100, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] 3. https://client-update.steamstatic.com, /, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Checking for update on startup
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Checking for available updates...
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Downloading manifest: https://client-update.fastly.steamstatic.com/steam_client_ubuntu12
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Manifest download: send request
[2025-01-08 08:03:10] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish
[2025-01-08 08:03:11] Manifest download: finished
[2025-01-08 08:03:11] Download skipped: /steam_client_ubuntu12 version 1733265492, installed version 1733265492, existing pending version 0
[2025-01-08 08:03:11] Nothing to do
[2025-01-08 08:03:11] Verifying installation...
[2025-01-08 08:03:11] Performing checksum verification of executable files
[2025-01-08 08:03:11] Verification complete
UpdateUI: skip show logo
Steam logging initialized: directory: /home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/logs

/usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark/gtk-2.0/main.rc:1090: error: unexpected identifier 'direction', expected character '}'
/usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark/gtk-2.0/apps.rc:91: error: unexpected identifier 'direction', expected character '}'
XRRGetOutputInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xdcd05dc0
XRRGetCrtcInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xdcd04500
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
steamwebhelper.sh[2330917]: Using supervisor /home/powabanga/.steam/root/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/bin/steam-runtime-supervisor
steamwebhelper.sh[2330917]: Starting steamwebhelper under bootstrap sniper steam runtime via /home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-sniper.sh
steamwebhelper.sh[2330917]: Using CEF sandbox \(try with -no-cef-sandbox if this fails\)
steamwebhelper.sh[2330917]: Starting steamwebhelper with Sniper steam runtime at /home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-sniper/_v2-entry-point
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
Steam Runtime Launch Service: starting steam-runtime-launcher-service
Steam Runtime Launch Service: steam-runtime-launcher-service is running pid 2331008
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
exec ./steamwebhelper -lang=en_US -cachedir=/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/config/htmlcache -steampid=2330845 -buildid=1733265492 -steamid=0 -logdir=/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/logs -uimode=7 -startcount=0 -steamuniverse=Public -realm=Global -clientui=/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/clientui -steampath=/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam -launcher=0 -no-restart-on-ui-mode-change --valve-enable-site-isolation --enable-smooth-scrolling --password-store=basic --log-file=/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/logs/cef_log.txt --disable-quick-menu --enable-features=PlatformHEVCDecoderSupport --disable-features=SpareRendererForSitePerProcess,DcheckIsFatal,ValveFFmpegAllowLowDelayHEVC
Desktop state changed: desktop: { pos:    0,   0 size: 1920,1080 } primary: { pos:    0,   0 size: 1920,1080 }
Caching cursor image for , size 9x16, serial 423, cache size = 0
BuildCompleteAppOverviewChange: 200 apps
pressure-vessel-adverb[2331781]: E: Failed to execute child process “/games/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/pressure-vessel/bin/steam-runtime-launcher-interface-0” (No such file or directory)
pressure-vessel-adverb[2331900]: E: Failed to execute child process “/games/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/pressure-vessel/bin/steam-runtime-launcher-interface-0” (No such file or directory)
pressure-vessel-adverb[2332028]: E: Failed to execute child process “/games/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/pressure-vessel/bin/steam-runtime-launcher-interface-0” (No such file or directory)
pressure-vessel-adverb[2332146]: E: Failed to execute child process “/games/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/pressure-vessel/bin/steam-runtime-launcher-interface-0” (No such file or directory)
fsync: up and running.
wine: Using setpriority to control niceness in the [-10,10] range
Initializing D3D11.
Unable to read VR Path Registry from C:\users\steamuser\AppData\Local\openvr\openvrpaths.vrpath
Fossilize INFO: Overriding serialization path: "/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/shader_cache_temp_dir_d3d11_64/fozpipelinesv6/steamapprun_pipeline_cache".
fsync: up and running.
wine: Using setpriority to control niceness in the [-10,10] range
Initializing D3D12.
Unable to read VR Path Registry from C:\users\steamuser\AppData\Local\openvr\openvrpaths.vrpath
Fossilize INFO: Overriding serialization path: "/home/powabanga/.local/share/Steam/shader_cache_temp_dir_d3d12_64/fozpipelinesv6/steamapprun_pipeline_cache".
        [2025-01-08 08:05:13] Background update loop checking for update. . .
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Checking for available updates...
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Downloading manifest: https://client-update.fastly.steamstatic.com/steam_client_ubuntu12
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Manifest download: send request
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Manifest download: finished
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Download skipped by HTTP 304 Not Modified
[2025-01-08 08:05:13] Nothing to do
[2025-01-08 08:18:10] Shutdown
Je me posais la question parce que j'ai un bug avec steam, et qu'un utilisateur à soulevé ce détail. Je me disais bien que ça n'en était pas la cause, mais du coup je me demandais surtout si je n'avais quand même pas mal configuré un quelque choses, de sorte que ce message apparait.

j'ai ouvert une issue sur steam-for-linux githu si vraiment vous voulez plus de détails sur le bug... Mais j'ai l'impression que cela viendrait plutot du client steam et d'une incompatibilité avec la mise à jour d'un paquet. Il y a pas mal de bug du même genre qui ont été reporté récemment pour archlinux.