[dcp 135c] pilote imprimante (lamentablement contourné)

Reconnaissance et configuration du matériel / kernel linux
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

reflets de vert a écrit :La mise à jour a été faite.
Quelques mois sur Arch sans mise à jour, ça aurait du te mettre la puce à l'oreille. :wink:

Dans le log, les erreurs sont liées à la non prise en charge d'imprimante réseau (avahi)... donc pas d'importance, je pense. Et les warnings vis-à-vis de paramètres d'impression (mais ça m'étonnerait que ça empêche une impression).

Je t'ai suggéré cups-usblp à tout hasard (dans la mesure où ça marche avec cups sur 32 bits, y a pas de raison que ça ne marche pas en 64 avec les lib32 pour la transition).
Vérifie le chemin d'accès à ton imprimante sur la machine en 32 bits et regarde si le module usblp est blacklisté ou non (le hic c'est que je ne sais pas comment les chemins sont donnés/formatés dans cups). Pour moi la clé c'est ce foutu chemin, je ne sais pas si c'est possible de lui désigner directement via /dev/bus/usb/XXX/XXX (les numéros de bus et périphériques que te sort lsusb pour ton imprimante), au moins pour tester.
Tu ne peux pas juste ajouter l'imprimante, ou en modifier une déjà installée, et sélectionner ton pilote à la main via cups ?
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage:
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

Fool Echo a écrit :Pour moi la clé c'est ce foutu chemin, je ne sais pas si c'est possible de lui désigner directement via /dev/bus/usb/XXX/XXX (les numéros de bus et périphériques que te sort lsusb pour ton imprimante), au moins pour tester.
Tu ne peux pas juste ajouter l'imprimante, ou en modifier une déjà installée, et sélectionner ton pilote à la main via cups ?
Je vais essayer tout ça!
Ca fait plaisir de pouvoir éliminer au fur et à mesure, et d'avancer.

Je voulais juste demander par rapport aux deux phrases que j'ai citées.

Le chemin, je dois le donner où? Au niveau du code source du cupswrapper, au niveau de cups?
Comment je dois faire pour ajouter ou modifier?
J'ai fait dans http://localhost:631 Add printer, find new printer, j'ai modifié le DCP135 qu'il installe après l'exécution de /usr/local… cupswrapper, j'ai supprimé l'imprimante et réinstallé, supprimé et refait "add printer" et "find new printer".

C'est bizarre, c'est comme si il y avait une autre merde… et pourtant les clés usb marchent!

Je teste dès que je peux (comme je pars en vadrouille à un endroit où je n'aurais pas accès à l'ordinateur, ce sera un peu plus tard… dommage je suis impatient).
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

reflets de vert a écrit :Le chemin, je dois le donner où? Au niveau du code source du cupswrapper, au niveau de cups?
Comment je dois faire pour ajouter ou modifier?
Je ne sais pas justement... :? ... faudrait voir déjà le chemin avec ta machine qui imprime et si le module usblp tourne ou pas.
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage:
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

Ma machine en 32 bits qui imprimait vient de me lâcher… problème matériel… carte mère qui ne reconnaît plus les disques durs…
J'ai encore des trucs sur le disque dur…

Je dois tester des trucs… mais…
bon, je verrais bien.

En fait, Brother ils sont vraiment chouettes. Il y a une prise USB sur l'imprimante. Et ça imprime les jpg. On se demande à quoi ça sert. En fait c'est pour ceux qui ont linux en 64 bits et un appareil photo!!!! :humour:
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

Tu es né le lendemain de la chance, pas vrai ? :mrgreen:
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage:
Messages : 3
Inscription : dim. 30 janv. 2011, 00:14

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par cetou »

depuis 2 jours j'avais exactement le meme problème avec une DCP165c sur ARCH64,j'ais installé le pilote comme dans le wiki mais
l'imprimante était visible par CUPS mais restait bloqué en attente .
Après avoir essayé pas mal de trucs vus sur les différents forums je suis retourné voir le wiki d installation de cups et il est mentionné
"d'installer cups-usblp) (disponible sur AUR) à la place de cups".
c'est ce que j'ai fait et l'imprimante a fonctionné tout de suite.
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »


Je vais tester ça… ça a l'air très intéressant!

Je n'ai pas ce fameux ordi sous la main, mais dès que je l'ai sous la main je teste.

J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

Ça ne marche pas mieux cups-usblp…

Mais ça fait un autre type d'erreur, c'est déjà ça.
En fait j'ai un peu regardé leur script machin gnan gnan /usr/local/Brother/Printer/dcp135c/cupswrapper/cupswrapperdcp135c, à Brother.
À la loupe mais sans y comprendre grand chose.

J'ai quand même vu qu'il est prévu pour CUPS v1.1… il faut déjà le faire…
J'ai remplacé par 1.4.6. Ça ne change pas grand chose.

Voici les captures d'écran: http://flickr.com/gp/refletsdevert/Z3BKT2
Et l'error log disponible sur le site localhost 631 de cups:

Code : Tout sélectionner

W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:15:35 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:19:15:37 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:15:37 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 23837 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 23872 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:35 +0100] [Job 19] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:17:05 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:19:17:05 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
Je vais tenter de créer une règle usbprinter dans /etc/udev/rules.d… de tout désinstaller et réinstaller… …
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

J'ai donc créé ce fichier 40-imprimante-usb.rules dans /etc/udev/rules.d:

Code : Tout sélectionner

nano /etc/udev/rules.d/40-imprimante-usb.rules
ATTR{idVendor}=="04f9", ATTR{idProduct}=="01ce", MODE:="0660", GROUP:="lp"
Puis tout désinstallé et réinstallé (ça ressemble à des solutions bourrin à la Windows…). J'ai donc réinstallé cups-usblp et dcp135c, modifié le cupswrapper et mis v1.4.6 pour CUPS.
Je l'ai exécuté.


Voici l'error log de CUPS en entier (comme j'ai pas testé trop de pages de suite, il est joli : )

Code : Tout sélectionner

I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6)
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Remote access is disabled.
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Added auto ServerAlias gertob64
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Discarding unused printer-stopped event...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(P-----)
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x7ffc580f3680(DCP135C), removeit=1)
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Loaded MIME database from "/usr/share/cups/mime" and "/etc/cups": 35 types, 42 filters...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Loading printer DCP135C...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/DCP135C.ipp4...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7ffc580f6020(DCP135C))
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 1] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 2] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 3] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 4] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 5] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 6] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 7] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 8] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 9] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 10] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 11] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 12] Loading from cache...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] [Job 13] Loading from cache...
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 5...
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Listening to on fd 7...
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 8...
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7ffc580f6020(DCP135C))
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:01 +0100] Discarding unused server-restarted event...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: clients=0
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: jobs=13
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: printers=1
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=701
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=7640
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:02 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=14816
I [13/Feb/2011:12:35:32 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
D [13/Feb/2011:12:35:32 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
I [13/Feb/2011:23:49:31 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
D [13/Feb/2011:23:49:31 +0100] Discarding unused server-stopped event...
D [13/Feb/2011:23:49:31 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x7ffc580f6020(DCP135C), removeit=1)
I [13/Feb/2011:23:49:31 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6)
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Remote access is disabled.
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Added auto ServerAlias gertob64
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Loaded MIME database from "/usr/share/cups/mime" and "/etc/cups": 35 types, 42 filters...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Loading printer DCP135C...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/DCP135C.ipp4...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f8e71abb750(DCP135C))
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 1] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 2] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 3] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 4] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 5] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 6] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 7] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 8] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 9] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 10] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 11] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 12] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] [Job 13] Loading from cache...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Full reload complete.
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/spool/cups/tmp", pattern="(null)")
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/cache/cups", pattern="*.ipp")
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/cache/cups"...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 6...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Listening to on fd 7...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 8...
I [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f8e71abb750(DCP135C))
E [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:52 +0100] Discarding unused server-started event...
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: clients=0
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: jobs=13
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: printers=1
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=542
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=7640
D [14/Feb/2011:00:05:53 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=11552
I [14/Feb/2011:02:43:01 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
D [14/Feb/2011:02:43:01 +0100] Discarding unused server-stopped event...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:43:01 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x7f8e71abb750(DCP135C), removeit=1)
I [14/Feb/2011:02:43:01 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6)
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Remote access is disabled.
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Added auto ServerAlias gertob64
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Loaded MIME database from "/usr/share/cups/mime" and "/etc/cups": 35 types, 42 filters...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Loading printer DCP135C...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/DCP135C.ipp4...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f6bcbec0750(DCP135C))
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 1] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 2] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 3] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 4] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 5] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 6] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 7] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 8] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 9] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 10] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 11] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 12] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] [Job 13] Loading from cache...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Full reload complete.
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/spool/cups/tmp", pattern="(null)")
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/cache/cups", pattern="*.ipp")
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/cache/cups"...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 6...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Listening to on fd 7...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 8...
I [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f6bcbec0750(DCP135C))
E [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:00 +0100] Discarding unused server-started event...
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: clients=0
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: jobs=13
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: printers=1
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=542
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=7640
D [14/Feb/2011:02:44:01 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=11552
I [14/Feb/2011:14:28:33 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
D [14/Feb/2011:14:28:33 +0100] Discarding unused server-stopped event...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:28:33 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x7f6bcbec0750(DCP135C), removeit=1)
I [14/Feb/2011:14:28:33 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6)
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Remote access is disabled.
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Added auto ServerAlias gertob64
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Loaded MIME database from "/usr/share/cups/mime" and "/etc/cups": 35 types, 42 filters...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Loading printer DCP135C...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/DCP135C.ipp4...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f3c72ce9750(DCP135C))
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 1] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 2] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 3] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 4] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 5] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 6] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 7] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 8] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 9] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 10] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 11] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 12] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] [Job 13] Loading from cache...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Full reload complete.
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/spool/cups/tmp", pattern="(null)")
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/cache/cups", pattern="*.ipp")
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/cache/cups"...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 6...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Listening to on fd 7...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 8...
I [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f3c72ce9750(DCP135C))
E [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:35 +0100] Discarding unused server-started event...
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: clients=0
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: jobs=13
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: printers=1
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=542
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=7640
D [14/Feb/2011:14:29:36 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=11552
I [14/Feb/2011:15:20:17 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
D [14/Feb/2011:15:20:17 +0100] Discarding unused server-stopped event...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:20:17 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x7f3c72ce9750(DCP135C), removeit=1)
I [14/Feb/2011:15:20:17 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6)
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Remote access is disabled.
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Added auto ServerAlias gertob64
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Loaded MIME database from "/usr/share/cups/mime" and "/etc/cups": 35 types, 42 filters...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Loading printer DCP135C...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/DCP135C.ipp4...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f44374be750(DCP135C))
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 1] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 2] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 3] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 4] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 5] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 6] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 7] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 8] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 9] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 10] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 11] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 12] Loading from cache...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] [Job 13] Loading from cache...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Full reload complete.
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/spool/cups/tmp", pattern="(null)")
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] cupsd_clean_files(path="/var/cache/cups", pattern="*.ipp")
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Cleaning out old files in "/var/cache/cups"...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 6...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Listening to on fd 7...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 8...
I [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x7f44374be750(DCP135C))
E [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:17 +0100] Discarding unused server-started event...
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: clients=0
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: jobs=13
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: printers=1
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=542
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=7640
D [14/Feb/2011:15:21:18 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=11552
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost:631 (IPv6)
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: clients=1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: jobs=13
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: printers=1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=542
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=7640
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=11552
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET /cups.css HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET /images/left.gif HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET /images/right.gif HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET /images/cups-icon.png HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET /images/sel.gif HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 12 GET /images/unsel.gif HTTP/1.1
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:41:40 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
I [14/Feb/2011:18:42:05 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
D [14/Feb/2011:18:42:05 +0100] Discarding unused server-stopped event...
D [14/Feb/2011:18:42:05 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 12
D [14/Feb/2011:18:42:05 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x7f44374be750(DCP135C), removeit=1)
I [14/Feb/2011:18:42:05 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
E [14/Feb/2011:18:42:06 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:18:45:17 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:18:45:19 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:18:45:19 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 20179 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 20213 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:18:45:44 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:18:47:02 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:18:47:02 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 20235 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:18:47:21 +0100] [Job 14] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:18:48:43 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:18:48:43 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 20331 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:04 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:04 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:05 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:07 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:07 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:07 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:08 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:08 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:24 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:18:53:24 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 20431 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:06:21 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:19:06:23 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:06:23 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 21991 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 22025 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:06:48 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:07:04 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:07:04 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 22049 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:07:19 +0100] [Job 16] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:09:44 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:09:44 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 22160 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:09:54 +0100] [Job 16] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:10:11 +0100] [Job 17] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:10:21 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:10:21 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 22322 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:10:32 +0100] [Job 17] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:10:40 +0100] [Job 17] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:11:02 +0100] [Job 18] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:12:02 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:19:12:04 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:12:04 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 22641 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 22675 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:12:29 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:15:35 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:19:15:37 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:15:37 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 23837 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 23872 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:16:02 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:16:35 +0100] [Job 19] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:17:05 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:19:17:05 +0100] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "gertob64:631"
E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:42 +0100] [Job 19] Unable to queue job for destination "DCP135C"!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:42 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:45 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:45 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 10884 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 10918 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:29 +0100] [Job 20] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:39 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:39 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 11009 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!

Je vais essayer d'imprimer avec un CD d'installation… d'Ubuntu… :pastaper: (ben oui il faut que je m'occupe!)
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

reflets de vert a écrit :En fait j'ai un peu regardé leur script machin gnan gnan /usr/local/Brother/Printer/dcp135c/cupswrapper/cupswrapperdcp135c, à Brother.
À la loupe mais sans y comprendre grand chose.
J'ai regardé aussi, sa fonction est de génèrer le ppd qui servira à cups et de faire ce qu'il faut pour que cups en tienne compte. Plutôt très intrusif. Trop pour Arch, à mon avis... ça craint pour la désinstallation de coller des fichiers comme ça... :?

Du coup, il doit traîner un ppd dans /usr/share/cups/model/ qui parasite peut-être... Garde le sous le coude, il pourrait servir mais enlève le de là, et appuie-toi sur cups-usblp.
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage:
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

J'ai enlevé ce fameux fichier (du coup celui-là est copyright…)

Voici le fichier en question:

Code : Tout sélectionner

nano brdcp135c.ppd
*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"

*%	Copyright(C) 2006 Brother Industries, Ltd.
*%	"Brother DCP-135C CUPS"

*%==== General Information Keywords ========================
*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*FileVersion: "1.00"
*LanguageVersion: English
*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
*PCFileName: "BR135_2.PPD"
*Manufacturer: "Brother"
*Product: "(DCP-135C)"
*1284DeviceID: "MFG:Brother;MDL:DCP-135C"
*cupsVersion: 1.1
*cupsManualCopies: False
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 brlpdwrapperdcp135c"
*cupsModelNumber: 8
*ModelName: "Brother DCP-135C"
*ShortNickName: "Brother DCP-135C"
*NickName: "Brother DCP-135C CUPS v1.1"
*PSVersion: "(3010.106) 3"

*%==== Basic Device Capabilities =============
*LanguageLevel: "3"
*ColorDevice: True
*DefaultColorSpace: RGB
*FileSystem: False
*Throughput: "12"
*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
*VariablePaperSize: False
*TTRasterizer: Type42
*FreeVM: "1700000"

*DefaultOutputOrder: Reverse

*%==== Media Selection ======================
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*%==== Information About Media Sizes ========
*DefaultPaperDimension: Letter
*PaperDimension A4/A4:				"595 842"
*PaperDimension BrA4_B/A4 (Borderless):			"621 868"
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*PaperDimension IndexC5x8/Index Card:			"360 576"
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*PaperDimension Photo2L/Photo 2L:			"359 505"
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*PaperDimension EnvYou4/JE4 Envelope: 			"297 664"

*%==== Resolution Features =================================
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*%=== MonoOrColor ================================
*OpenUI *BRMonoColor/Color/Grayscale: PickOne
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*DefaultBRMonoColor: BrColor
*BRMonoColor BrColor/Color: ""
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*CloseUI: *BRMonoColor

*%=== SlowDrying ================================
*OpenUI *BRSlowDrying/Slow Drying Paper: PickOne
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*%=== Media Type ================================
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*%=== Paper Thick ================================
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*%=== Bi-DirKey ================================
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*%=== Mirror Printing ================================
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*OpenGroup: Image Type
*%=== Document ================================
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*%=== Color Matching ================================
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*%=== Half Tone Pattern ================================
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*CloseGroup: Image Type

*OpenGroup: Color Enhancement
*%=== True2Life ================================
*OpenUI *BRColorEnhancement/     Color Enhancement (True2Life): PickOne
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*%=== Brightness ================================
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*%=== Contrast ================================
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*%=== Red ================================
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*%=== Green ================================
*OpenUI *BRGreen/ Green: PickOne
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*BRGreen 15/15: ""
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*BRGreen 17/17: ""
*BRGreen 18/18: ""
*BRGreen 19/19: ""
*BRGreen 20/20: ""
*CloseUI: *BRGreen

*%=== Blue ================================
*OpenUI *BRBlue/Blue: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 29 AnySetup *BRBlue
*DefaultBRBlue: 0
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*BRBlue -7/-7: ""
*BRBlue -6/-6: ""
*BRBlue -5/-5: ""
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*BRBlue -2/-2: ""
*BRBlue -1/-1: ""
*BRBlue 0/0: ""
*BRBlue 1/1: ""
*BRBlue 2/2: ""
*BRBlue 3/3: ""
*BRBlue 4/4: ""
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*BRBlue 6/6: ""
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*BRBlue 9/9: ""
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*BRBlue 17/17: ""
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*BRBlue 19/19: ""
*BRBlue 20/20: ""
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*CloseGroup: Color Enhancement

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*Font Oklahoma-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.005)" Standard ROM
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*Font Utah-Bold: Standard "(001.005)" Standard ROM
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*Font Utah-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.005)" Standard ROM
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*UIConstraints:	*BRColorMediaType Plain	*Resolution	Photo
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*UIConstraints:	*BRColorMediaType Inkjet	*Resolution	Highest
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*UIConstraints:	*BRColorMediaType BrotherGlossy	*Resolution	Normal
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*UIConstraints:	*BRColorMediaType Transparencies	*Resolution	Photo
*UIConstraints:	*BRColorMediaType Transparencies	*Resolution	Highest
Je l'ai supprimé, puis redémarré CUPS.
Ça ne marche pas mieux.

Je mets le error_log, pas en entier, avec les derniers essais:

Code : Tout sélectionner

E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:42 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:45 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:43:45 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 10884 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 10918 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Draft" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Fast" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Normal" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Fine" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Photo" for printer DCP135C.
W [14/Feb/2011:19:44:10 +0100] Bad resolution "Highest" for printer DCP135C.
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:29 +0100] [Job 20] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:39 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:19:44:39 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 11009 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] [Job 19] Files have gone away!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 32!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 33!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 34!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 35!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 36!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 37!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 38!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Missing <Job #> directive on line 39!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:07 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:20:15:10 +0100] [Job 20] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:24:37 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:20:24:37 +0100] [Job 20] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:25:07 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:20:25:07 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1918 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:25:21 +0100] [Job 21] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:26:38 +0100] [CGI] Unable to create avahi client: Resource temporarily unavailable
E [14/Feb/2011:20:26:38 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 2004 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:27:00 +0100] [Job 22] No pages found!
E [14/Feb/2011:20:32:06 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [14/Feb/2011:20:32:07 +0100] [Job 22] No pages found!
Cups dit "Processing - "imprimante non connectée ; nouvel essai dans 30 secondes…""
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reflets de vert
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Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

J'ai cherché un peu, et essayé un truc qu'ils ont dit sur ce fil http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/i ... 11358.html

Code : Tout sélectionner

setfacl -m o:rwx /var/run/cups/certs/0
Ça ne semble pas changer grand chose.

J'ai essayé de faire une modif du cupsd.conf comme dit ici https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=851259
Ça n'a pas trop marché - il n'y avait plus l'imprimante dans la liste de cups.

Je l'ai remis, désinstallé dcp135c, puis réinstallé, il y a de nouveau l'imprimante dans cups, mais c'est pareil.
(j'arrête pour une demi-heure, yaourt va chauffer au rouge! : )

J'ai essayé d'imprimer avec le CD Ubuntu. Ça ne marche pas, et je ne comprends pas quel mot de passe mettre pour localhost six cent trente et un.
Y a-t-il un live CD ou live usb qui imprime?

(il n'y a pas ça avec Parted Magic?)

(on peut pas entarter le patron de Bro***r?
d'ailleurs, c'est quand que Brot**r sort
"brot**r linux max performance", ou BrLMaxPerfOS, la nouvelle distrib' basée sur archlinux??? Je suis impatient, moi!!!! :humour: :mrgreen: )
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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Maître du Kyudo
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Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par benjarobin »

Je ne comprends pas quel mot de passe mettre pour localhost six cent trente et un.
Tu doit mettre root et ton mot de passe root.
Zsh | KDE | PC fixe : core i7, carte nvidia
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

Je parle du localhost 631 pour le CD d'installation. Pour le système installé sur l'ordi je le sais, et je le fais tout le temps.

Mais pour le CD j'ai l'impression qu'il est bizarre, sans vrai compte root. Je fais root, et "root" comme mot de passe, ça fait rien. Sûrement que ce CD n'est pas prévu pour ça… donc si un CD ou un autre pourrait imprimer… parce qu'assez pessimistement (même très pessimistement n'ayons pas peur des mots) j'ai l'impression que je n'arriverai jamais à imprimer sans une autre solution.

Je n'y crois plus vraiment, à moins qu'il y a une trouvaille…

Je vais voir tous les liveCD, si il y en a un qui ferait l'affaire…

J'ai testé les live CD d'Ubuntu, de Slitaz, de Zenwalk. Bon je devrais tester CTKArch aussi.

Aucun des trois ne marche. J'ai pu trouver sur la doc zenwalk le mot de passe root qui est ZenLive, et me connecter à localhost:631, etc… Zenwalk était très bien parti pourtant… pour imprimer (d'ailleurs, pas de rapport, mais le liveCD est bien sympa) et qu'est-ce qu'il me dit le error log de CUPS?

Code : Tout sélectionner

E [15/Feb/2011:04:09:58 +0100] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
E [15/Feb/2011:04:24:21 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 2738 (hpfax) stopped with status 1!
E [15/Feb/2011:04:27:45 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 2819 (hpfax) stopped with status 1!
E [15/Feb/2011:04:28:26 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 IPP Read Error!
Je sens comme une petite ressemblance…
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

Ce vieux sujet en traite:

tu as les grandes lignes de ce qu'il y a à faire :
et en l'adaptant pour ton imprimante.

(ceci dit, ça ressemble fortement au PKGBUILD de Aur :( ...)
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage:
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

Maintenant même le scanner ne fonctionne plus… c'est un bordel absolument incompréhensible…!

Je vais tenter ce que tu proposes, mais avant, je vais installer virtualbox. Je trouve ça dommage d'en arriver là…
Mais je n'abandonne pas, hein!

J'ai envie de tout tester. Au moins pour prouver de quelle manière br%%***er est si bien compatible, conformément à leur belle tchatche sur linux :mrgreen:
(grrrrrr… :mrgreen: )
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

reflets de vert a écrit :Maintenant même le scanner ne fonctionne plus… c'est un bordel absolument incompréhensible…!
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage:
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

J'ai installé gNewSense sur Virtualbox.

On installe l'imprimante, et ça imprime. Par contre même avec gNewSense ça ne scanne pas, avec l'install classique!!
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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reflets de vert
Messages : 295
Inscription : mar. 23 mars 2010, 15:17
Localisation : Strasbourg

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par reflets de vert »

Bon si, ça scanne...

Mais en fait pour que ça scanne il faut installer dcp135c sous yaourt (le pilote d'imprimante), et ensuite brscan2 (le pilote du scanner). Allez y comprendre la logique.

Ensuite ça scanne.

Résumé de la situation: archlinux scanne, et gNewSense imprime, et aucun des deux ne fait les deux!!!

Et comme j'ai la poisse j'ai préféré ne pas configurer Virtualbox trop loin... :non:
Trop comique.
J'utilise console-tdm, dwm, …
(bon moi aussi j'écris en bépo - même si ça se voit pas)
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Maître du Kyudo
Messages : 10707
Inscription : dim. 15 août 2010, 11:48
Localisation : Basse-Normandie

Re: [dcp 135c] pilote imprimante

Message par FoolEcho »

reflets de vert a écrit :Résumé de la situation: archlinux scanne, et gNewSense imprime, et aucun des deux ne fait les deux!!!
:shock: (je sais, je me répète :mrgreen: )
«The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true.» :nage: