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[hypr keybindings] Need help for arch linux keybindings

Publié : jeu. 14 mars 2024, 09:35
par kraken
Hello world , I use arch linux DE : Hyprland , i want to add chevrons in my keybord , can someone can help me ?

Re: [hypr keybindings] Need help for arch linux keybindings

Publié : mar. 28 mai 2024, 09:08
par judiciousknew
First, you need to locate the keymap file that your system uses. This is typically found in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/. For example, if you are using a US keyboard layout, the file would be /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us.
You need to edit the appropriate keymap file to include chevrons. Open the terminal and use a text editor to modify the file. For instance, using nano:
sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us
Find the section in the file that corresponds to the key you want to modify. Typically, chevrons (< and >) are added to the comma and period keys. You might see something like this:key <AC10> { [ comma, less, comma, less ] }; // key for ','
key <AC11> { [ period, greater, period, greater ] }; // key for '.'
You can modify or add lines to ensure chevrons are mapped correctly. Here is an example of how to add chevrons: scratch geometry dash
key <AB08> { [ v, V, less, less ] }; // This assigns '<' to 'v' with AltGr
key <AB09> { [ b, B, greater, greater ] }; // This assigns '>' to 'b' with AltGr
Apply the Changes
After saving the changes to the keymap file, you need to reload the keymap. This can usually be done by restarting your X session, but you can also use the setxkbmap command to apply changes immediately:
setxkbmap -layout us
Replace us with your specific layout if different.
Verify the Configuration
Test your keyboard to ensure that the chevrons are now accessible as per your configuration. Press the respective keys along with AltGr (usually the right Alt key) to see if the chevrons appear correctly.

Re: [hypr keybindings] Need help for arch linux keybindings

Publié : mar. 28 mai 2024, 09:24
par benjarobin
Hyprland is using Wayland, and your solution is for X11...